
Speaking through sleep

I intended to publish a long missive yesterday explaining how had I had planned to work out and all of the goals that I had set forth for the near future.  As is often said, “The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!.”(Robert Burns)  My wife and daughter were both not feeling well last night, and to top off my wife’s misery she also had a job related issue, which required her to work over.  Not a huge deal, but instead of dinner at home we only were able to grab a quick bite and head home before both ladies fell into a deep sleep.  I stood and watched them both toss and turn, and as I gazed upon my two ladies I was reminded of the gift that I have been given.  Both of these girls, or women if you prefer, are God’s gift to me as a father and husband. 
             My grand plans for the evening had been dashed by a dose of reality.  SO WHAT.  My family was safe, I was safe, we were all fed and hungry, and we all slept in warm beds.  Where and how we ate did not matter.  Hours of play in different rooms was replaced by alone time in the car without distraction.  TV was replaced conversation.  Love was shared. 
            I discovered at 4:15 this morning how much my daughter talks in her sleep.  She talks so coherently I was convinced that she was awake.  She talked to her grandma and grandpa.  She prayed for Mandee and I.  She talked to Tipps, our spaz dog.  She does not feel the greatest again today, but she has made me feel better than I have in forever.  God has allowed Mandee and I to be the center of her world and she cannot dream of anything better than praying for us.  What a blessing.
            As I continue on my process of discover, I pray that God will continue to give me little pick-me-up’s like last nights.  I feel like more of a man and more of a father today than I ever have.

The Searcher
P – 229 Run and Run
M – Smiling outside and inside
S – Began a devotion on marriage.  Pray for me to continue it and hear its words

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